Updates for 2023-09-13
- Replace Blade of Revenge with Execution Sword of Fidelity
- Add Crystalized Staff to Bunny Shop
- Remove Kiringku attacks benefiting from Strength bonuses
- Fix Disintegrate range soft cap on client
- Remove debuff requirement to hit Yahee, Death, etc with magic spells
- Fix Focus Spirit icon lasting 3 days and actual buff only lasting 4 seconds…
- Annihilation will now show on Annihilator Chainsword tool tip
- Annihilator Chainsword crafting cost down 20m -> 2m
- New NPC Weaponsmith Sodor is now in Giran. He will craft Annihilator Chainsword and other weapons
- Disintegrate base damage up 140 -> 220
- Lower dice range on Ice Spike by 20%
- Add Illusionist first passive Dark Horse. Gain Knight brave attack speed while using Fruit of Yggdra
- Add Memory Crystal (Dark Horse) to Water Guardian drop table
- Fix Cube Lich stacking wind resistance
- Increase Cube life time to 128 seconds
- Remove DPS Dummy from Giran
Crystalized Staff
- Base damage up 5/5 -> 15/10
- Hit down 15 -> 13
- Bonus damage down 10 -> 4
- Bonus SP down 10 -> 7
- Lower proc chance 18 -> 8, will now scale its damage off (SP + INT) * 6
- Add minimum damage 55
- Will ignore target MR and only factor in Wind Resistance
- Will now increase damage up to 90 INT, was capped at 65
- Magic Bonus, as seen in Ctrl+A, will now increase your damage at a rate of 1 to 1%. So 20 Magic Bonus will increased spell damage by 20%
- Remove left over dark elf logging to console
- Adding NPC checks to prevent exploitable requests
- New attack speed controller for level 86, 87 and 88 polymorphs. The client will not show your character swinging at these new speeds but others will see you swinging faster and vise versa.