Updates for 2023-10-07
- Remove ability to attack training dummies while equipped with Season 1 Rings
- Training Dummies will no longer add to PvE counter
- Fix buy-sell-trade permissions
- Fix out of bounds Ghost spawns
- Increase Ghost spawns in Talking Island
- Double exp gained in Talking Island surface at all times
- Reduce proc rate on Evil Trick
- Increase proc rate on Reverse Evil
- Doppleganger, Baphomet have been moved off the spawn announcements
- Fix issue with Dress Evasion not updating client on login
- Boss Spawn announcements will now have a rating beside the boss name [!] [!!] [!!!] [!!!!] or [!!!!!]. A tier 5 boss requires 16+ people to kill. A tier 1 boss requires one or two people.
- Several bosses have had their spawn time spread out over 24 hours so that people in different time zones are not punished
- Halloween polymorphs are now capped at 70
- Fix stats on Ricante, remove Sword of Silence drop, increase adena/scroll drop rate, is now passive and spawns with allies
- Increase scroll drops on Kepla, add cursed enchant scrolls
- Significantly increase drops on Sandworm, is now weak to fire and will despawn after 1 hour
- Training Red Potions can no longer be used past 60
- Talking Island Orcs have had their spawn increased and are weak to fire…
- Increase scroll drops on Black Elder
Turn Undead
- Minimum chance for Turn Undead to land is up 5 -> 10%
- Lower MR on monsters in Talking Island Caves
- Move mid level calculations for TU from 84 down to 74. Let me know how this feels.
- Controllers and base methods for new content
- Fix Calendar references to reflect changes in Java 17