Updates for 2023-10-15
- Triple Pumpkin Seed drops
- Kent Ogre is now agro to SoSC
- Revert Phoenix changes, should be able to solo now
- Add Sword of Flames to 55 Elf Reward Box
- Remove Warrior Seal (Desperado) from removed monsters
- Max Pledge members is up 20 -> 28
- Minimum online pledge members to declare a siege is down 8 -> 4
- Add Fruit of the Victor to Bunny Shop
- Fix High Elf attack speed
- Add Amber Necklace to Corroded Elder
- Adjust consumable prices:
- Ancient Lesser Healing Potion 220 -> 108
- Ancient Healing Potion 534 -> 378
- Ancient Greater Healing Potion 1,138 -> 1,050
- Haste Potion 500 -> 231
- Potion of Bravery 1,037 -> 961
- Wafer 1,037 -> 2,600
Death Knight
- Lower chance to cast DK Quake, could still double cast o.o
- Moved off global announcements, will now shout when he spawns and dies
- Death Knight will now spawn once every 8 hours
- Increase Spartoi summon count
- Remove drops from summoned Spartoi
Orc Forest
- Increase Lyra reward from 3m -> 7m adena for 20,000 totems. 20,000 totems is now the best bang for your buck
- Move Lyra trade-in GUI to text window
- Increase Fonos Totem drop count 1 -> 2
- Remove Iron Sets from drop table
- Lower Advance Spirit drop chance slightly
- Add Adena, Halpas Tenacity drop to all
- Add Amulet of Intelligence, Potion of Mana, Blank Scroll (Level 2), Ring of Fire Resistance to Shaman drop
- Correct stats on monsters, four new monsters coming later
- Increased exp
- Fonos Orc Butcher is now Fonos Orc Swordsman
- Add Potion of Bravery to Fonos Orc Swordsman
- Will no longer gain Critical hit from any STR
- Critical is now based off Magic Bonus + bonus critical from pure INT
- A Critical hit will now ignore the target’s magic resistance
- Add Critical hit graphic
- Reminder that Illusionist is Magic Damage and it is not calculated correctly when using the Damage Dummy in Giran
- This new Critical is only enabled in PvE. Please provide feedback before I enable it in PvP
Forgotten Island
- Now that people are hitting 80, I have had to shift focus to correcting Forgotten Island monsters
- Remove most spawns and all bosses
- Corrected stats and added to spawn Forgotten Eidolon, Forgotten Ramia, Forgotten Werewolf, Forgotten Lycanthrope, Forgotten Frog, Forgotten Alligator
- After some tests spamming various packets at the client, I can’t get it to open a custom quest window. I think that’s the reason all these code bases only have the first 3 quests enabled. Just not worth the effort. Perhaps a different version of quests can be added later through the html window
- Text patch 44