- <Accessory Store
- 3 Hunting Book Merchant
- H Village Teleport Scroll Merchant
- N Armor store
- Alfred
- Andin
- Balsim
- Defman
- Fega
- Franco
- Mandra
- Siban
- Zodo
- ^ Necklace store on the car
- ^ Ring shop on 3 cars
- ^ T-shirt shop on 3 cars
- 2 ^^ on the car
- 2 Belt store on the car
- 2 car on^necklace store
- 2 Gaitol store on the car
- 2 on the car ^
- 2 On-car shop
- 2 On-car^armor store
- 2 on-car^boots store
- 2 on-car^cloak store
- 2 on-car^earring store
- 2 on-car^T-shirt shop
- 2 On-car^weapon store
- 2 Ring store on the car
- 2 Shield shop on the car
- 3 Belt store on car
- 3 boots on car
- 3 cab on car
- 3 Doll store on car
- 3 on the car
- 3 on the car^earring store
- 3 on-car^glove store
- 3 pitches on the car ^
- 3 Shield shop on the car
- Accessory Crafting^Warin
- Accessory Expert^Snapper
- Aden Information Agent
- Aden Knights
- Aden Knights
- Aden Mercenary
- Aden Mercenary
- Aden people
- Aden Reporter^Jeef
- Aden Royal Chef^Olive
- Aden store
- Aden store
- Aden Teleporter
- Admission teleport^Kotomoru
- Adventurer^Leona
- Agel
- Aide of Varlok
- Aide of Yahee
- Aide^Gawain
- Aide^Iris
- Aide^Vijaya
- Alchemist^Barrett
- Alchemist^Moria
- Alchemist^Riddle
- Alchemist^Roche
- Alchemist^Valletta
- Aldoran
- Altar
- Ancient Giant Elder
- Ancient Giant General
- Ancient Goods Alchemist^Aman
- Ancient Merchants^Lorco
- Ancient Relic Expert^Diego
- Ancient Relic Expert^Leon
- Ancient Spirit
- Announcements^Sarah
- Aria
- Armor Expert
- Armor Expert
- Armor Expert
- Armor Expert
- Armor Expert
- Armor Expert
- Armor Expert
- Armor Expert
- Armor Maker^Anton
- Army of Varlok
- Army of Yahee
- Arrogant Tower Manager
- Assistant Researcher
- Astrologer^Keplisha
- Auction manager
- Auction Manager
- Aurora
- Basic Training Instructor
- Bead Shop^server
- Becky
- Beginner Guide^Beginner Guide
- Beginner helper Cassiopeia
- Beginner Merchant Fraun
- Beginner's Guide^Training ground manager
- Behemoth Reporter^Dragon Night Piena
- Bell getter
- Berry Merchant hen berry
- Birthday celebration fairy
- Blacksmith
- Blacksmith of Varlok
- Blacksmith of Yahee
- Blacksmith^Adel Rio
- Blacksmith^Anon
- Blacksmith^Bator
- Blacksmith^Darf Gardin
- Blacksmith^Flim
- Blacksmith^Hector
- Blacksmith^Iberbin
- Blacksmith^Kupu
- Blacksmith^Landis
- Blacksmith^Lion
- Blacksmith^Pure
- Blacksmith^Quen
- Blacksmith^Thomas
- Bludika
- Bludika Assassination Squad
- Blue Shark
- Bone Mattie
- Boneman K
- Boneman, past
- Boneworker^Joel
- Boneworker^Ryan
- Bound soul
- Bouquet Merchant Sharon
- Bowl
- Breath of Magic Power
- Buff Company^Holy Blood only
- Buff Statue^Myopia's Buffs
- Buff Wizard^Jendor
- Buff Wizard^John Doe
- Burns
- Business manager
- Business Manager
- Camel
- Candle Girl^Hope
- Captured Dark Elf
- Captured Dark Elf
- Captured Dark Elf
- Captured Dark Elf
- Captured Dark Elf
- Captured Dark Elf
- Captured Dark Elf
- Cartography^Est
- Chamberlain^Orville
- Chandler^Kumbell
- Charge Captain
- Chase
- Check shop 10
- Check shop 2
- Check shop 3
- Check shop 5
- Check shop 6
- Check shop 9
- Check store 1
- Check store 4
- Check store 7
- Check store 8
- Chef^Lafons
- Chief of Security^Larsson
- Chuck Guy Hyom
- Clay
- Clown
- Codellage
- Colbert
- Cole
- Cole
- Compensation Warehouse Manager^Mianes
- Consul
- Consul
- Cooking Ingredients^Margaret
- Cooking Ingredients^Rakki
- Cooking Ingredients^Shall
- Cooper
- Corrupted Ancient Guardian
- Crafting Table^Elixir
- Crafting Table^Rumtis Crystal Ball
- Crafting Table^Snapper Crystal Ball
- Crafting Table^Weapons/Armor (Metal)
- Crystal Merchant^Ellie
- Crystal Merchant^Ellie
- Crystal Merchant^Simon
- curl
- Cursed Miko Sael
- Da
- Daily Quest^Dragon Bone Collector
- Daily Quest^Subjugation
- Dark elf step
- Dark Elf Survivor
- Dark Elf Trader^Forgotten
- Dark Star^Encounter
- Deathmatch Manager^Datu
- Deathmatch Manager^Kusan
- Delicate Chune
- Deputy Admiral Rastabad^Marbeth
- Detector^Paul
- Dicardin
- Dicardin Soldier
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Digger Oum
- Dimensional door
- Dimensional door
- Dimensional door
- Dimensional door
- Dimensional door
- Dimensional door
- Disciple boots
- Do
- Doet
- Doll Merchant^Keplicia
- Double
- Doyle's Dog
- Dragon Crafting^Crystal Ball
- Dragon Knight Trader^Pinksuit
- Dragon Teleporter^Messenger of Antharas
- Dragon Teleporter^Messenger of Fafurion
- Druga Bag Sellers^Druga
- Duda-Mala Bau
- Duda-mala turtle
- Duda-Marabuca
- Dunham
- Dunmo
- Dylan
- Earring Craftsman^Rumtis
- Ebleman
- Elder Companion^Clarence
- Elder^Noname
- Elder^Proquel
- Elder^Silrain
- Elemental Training^Ellyonne
- Elixir Exchange^Yldog
- Ellas
- Elven Crafter^Nerupa
- Elven Elder^Malva
- Elven Trader^Yocheon
- Emai
- Emissary of Love^Eliel
- Enemy Gyechuwi
- Enhancement Wizard^Cinter
- Enhancement Wizard^Endor
- Enhancement Wizard^Genus
- Enhancement Wizard^Jimbo
- Enhancement Wizard^Maibel
- Enhancement Wizard^Mebel
- Enhancement Wizard^Naniel
- Enhancement Wizard^Nebel
- Enhancement Wizard^Piddle
- Enhancement Wizard^Rodle
- Enhancement Wizard^Rundle
- Enhancement Wizard^Tell
- Enhancement Wizard^Tellurol
- Enisia
- Eno
- Escaped Oum
- Escaped Oum
- Escaped Oum
- Escaped Oum
- Escaped Oum
- Escaped Oum
- Escaped Oum
- Escaped Oum
- Escaped Oum
- Esem
- Event Dungeon^Aden Hunting Center Manager
- Event Dungeon^Devil King Territory Manager
- Event Thunder Dome^25 vs 25
- Evolutionary Creator^Raiders
- Exchange Commision^Aden Merchant
- Exchange Commision^Aden Merchant
- Exchange Commision^Aden Merchant
- Exchange Commission^Aden Merchant
- Executive Grade Exchange NPC
- Experience Points
- Experience Points
- Experience Recovery^Agata
- Experience Recovery^Goddess Agata
- Expert^Hadesti
- Expert^Heist
- Expert^Makeover Expert
- Exploration Assistant
- Extreme Crafting^Colt
- Eye of the watcher
- Fa
- Fabric Merchant^Herbert
- Fallen Death Knight
- Fallen Navigator
- Farvo
- Feather Collector
- Feather shop 1
- Feather shop 2
- Feather shop 3
- Feather shop 4
- Feather Shop^Nancy
- Feen
- Final Training Examiner
- Fireworks Merchant
- Fireworks Merchant
- Fireworks Merchant Maijin
- Fireworks Merchant Okim
- Fireworks Merchant Old
- Fireworks Merchant Stella
- Fireworks Merchant Tina
- Fireworks Merchant^Arrier
- Fireworks Merchant^Lucky
- Fireworks Merchant^Rose
- Fishing guide^Lady
- Fishing guide^Paul
- Fishing guide^Paul
- Fishing Merchant Marco
- Flame Shadow Alter Ego
- Flashy Baemi
- Flora
- Follower of Assassin Master
- Food/Buff Merchant
- Forbidden Crafting^Genova
- Forgotten Island^Manager
- Forgotten Island^Manager
- Forgotten Island^Support Manager
- Franco
- Frexson
- Friendly ice queen Guard
- Friendly Ice Queen Guard
- Gaitol store on 3 cars
- Galette
- Gear Merchant^Jin
- General Goods^Berry
- General Goods^Dico
- General Goods^Raon
- General Merchant ^Asur
- General Merchant^Beech
- General Merchant^Brit
- General Merchant^Buak
- General Merchant^Calpe
- General Merchant^Chiky
- General Merchant^Elfin
- General Merchant^Elmina
- General Merchant^Emmaert
- General Merchant^Irbagil
- General Merchant^Isoria
- General Merchant^Jackson
- General Merchant^Johann
- General Merchant^Kaim Sam
- General Merchant^Lotte
- General Merchant^Meir
- General Merchant^Melissa
- General Merchant^Merin
- General Merchant^Pago
- General Merchant^Pagole
- General Merchant^Pandora
- General Merchant^Pony
- General Merchant^Sally
- General Merchant^Sibile
- General Merchant^Squall
- General Merchant^Squatty
- General Merchant^Tiron
- General Merchant^Todrum
- Geological exploration
- Gerard
- Gereng
- Geron
- Giant Elder
- Giles
- Golden feather merchant
- Good messenger^Melissa
- Goodman
- Growth Wizard^Ekins
- Guard
- Guard
- Guard Commander
- Guard soldier
- Guard soldier
- Guard soldier
- Guardian Arnold
- Guardian of the Moon Country
- Gunter
- Gym
- Hakuba
- Handing ground
- Hanten 5
- Harbourmaster^Ablation
- Harbourmaster^Duran
- Harbourmaster^Peace
- Harbourmaster^Peace
- Hardin
- Hardin
- Harin
- Hatchling Exchanger Bank
- Haunted House Manager^Duo
- Hell Stand^Hell Flame
- Help Center^TeKniKo
- Hidden land of dragons
- Hideout Merchant Jint
- Hideout Stuffed Merchant Philis
- History Books^Ataroze
- Hoe
- Homecoming guide^Betellan
- Hostile Ice Queen Guard
- Hunter^Derek
- Hunting Guide^Lillianna
- Hunting Scrolls^Lucy
- Hurindalien
- i40 Merchant i40 store
- Ice Queen Quest^Marvin
- Illusionist Trader^Dumbo
- Immortal Hades^Dantes
- Inn master^Subin
- Innkeeper^Berisa
- Innkeeper^Enke
- Innkeeper^Erie
- Innkeeper^Loria
- Innkeeper^Miele
- Innkeeper^Miranda
- Innkeeper^Morley
- Innkeeper^Serena
- Innkeeper^Subin
- Instance Dungeon^Yuki
- Intelligence agent
- Intelligence Agent
- Item collector up
- Item Crafter^Integrated Stone Golem
- Item Crafter^Naruen
- Item Crafter^Ryumiel
- Item Exchanger^Seal Seller
- Item Maker^Black Knight Sub Chief
- Item Maker^Blaze
- Item Maker^Commander Estevan
- Item Maker^Elephant Lava Golem
- Item Maker^Elephant Stone Golem
- Item Maker^Endel
- Item Maker^Farlin
- Item Maker^Fin
- Item Maker^Hugtin
- Item Maker^Karif
- Item Maker^Paltz
- Item Maker^Pierce
- Item Maker^Robin Hood
- Item Maker^Rudiel
- Item Maker^Sarsha
- Ivory tower explorer
- Ivory Tower Intelligence Agent
- Ivory Tower Wizard
- Ivory Tower Wizard
- Ivory Tower Wizard
- Ivory Tower Wizard
- Ivory Tower Wizard^Erdonas
- Ivory Tower Wizard^Ham
- Jack-o-Lantern
- Jack-o-Lantern^Howard
- Jack-o-Lantern^Jasper
- Jack-o-Lantern^Perry
- Janstin
- Japanese Chef^Haru
- Jericho
- Jeta
- Jeweler^David
- Jeweler^Dio
- Jill-o-Lantern^Kimmy
- Jim
- Jindo Dog Shipping^Marine
- Jocno
- John
- Judith
- Justin
- Kasty
- Ke skin
- Kent Relic Merchant Niki
- Key dishes
- Khan
- Khan's Guard
- Khan's horse
- Kima
- Klaipeda
- Knight Trader^Kazza
- Kratos
- Kukulkan Altar Keeper
- L'Arc
- La
- Lance
- Larry's aide
- Larry's aide
- Lastabad Cave^Siegfried
- Lavol
- Lavol
- Lawful Recovery^Atonement Messenger
- Leather Crafter^Philip
- Leather Crafter^Philip
- Leather craftsman^ladder
- Leatherworker^Bamute
- Leatherworker^BamuteOLD
- Leatherworker^Julie
- Leatherworker^Vincent
- leg
- Legal corporation
- Legends of Aden^Chrissy
- Legends of Aden^Leafy Accessories
- Legends of Aden^Leafy Armour
- Legends of Aden^Leafy Books
- Legends of Aden^Leafy Scrolls
- Legends of Aden^Leafy Weapons
- Legends of Aden^Mr Rabbit
- Lesser Demon
- Lesser Demon
- Lichen Chok
- Lien
- Lieutenant Aide^Segem Atuba
- Lindviol Raid^Character Support Team
- LoA Materials^Chrissy
- LoA Materials^Chrissy
- LoA Season 1^Magic Merchant
- Lover
- Low Rate Lineage^[Aden] Weapon Merchant
- Low Rate Lineage^Empty Shop
- Low Rate Lineage^Experience supply
- Low Rate Lineage^T-shirt Merchant
- Lucky Shop^Lucky
- Luigi
- Lumberjack^Jason
- Magic Catalyst^Alchemist
- Magic Catalyst^Alchemist
- Magic Character
- Magic Creator^Christo
- Magic Doll Maker^Arca
- Magic Gate
- Magic Instructor^Siris
- Magic Master^Barries
- Magic Master^Cedia
- Magic Master^Horn
- Magic Merchant Server
- Magic Merchant^Foy
- Magic seller^Jepar
- Magic seller^Subier
- Magical Crafting^Taras
- Magical Creator^Payhus
- Mainland Dungeon^Crimson Crystal
- male
- Mark
- Masha
- Master of Crafting^Karua
- Master of Disguise^Nafnil
- Master^Gunter
- Me
- Medal Manager^Donju
- Meg
- Mercenary
- Mercenary
- Mercenary
- Mercenary Captain^Bigger
- Mercenary Captain^Biust
- Mercenary Captain^Hult
- Mercenary Captain^Hund
- Mercenary Captain^Kent Nerga
- Mercenary Commander^Thion
- Mercenary ryan
- Mercenary^Bash
- Merchant Mank
- Mini Game Award Specialist^Top
- Mini siege stand^50 rep or more possible
- Miscellaneous Goods^Bius
- Mona
- Monnet
- Montes
- Moon Scrolls^Raise Ann
- Morien
- Mother Tree
- Mubo
- Mysterious rock
- Naughty Lover^Jape
- Nerga Bakumo
- Nerga fumo
- Neutral Man
- New Young Somak Dealer
- News boy
- North Pole Security^Larson
- North Pole^Guard
- Ole
- Ole
- Orc Merchant^Pasim
- Orc Totem Redeemer^Lyra
- Orim
- Orim
- Orim's diary exchange^jet letters
- Oum
- Oum
- Oum Elder
- Oum Work Supervisor
- Pandora
- Paper Man
- Patria
- PC Teleporter^Piar
- Pelia
- Persevering Dooh
- Pesco
- Pet Item Crafter^Nose
- Pet Kennel^Ally
- Pet Kennel^Almon
- Pet Kennel^Austin
- Pet Kennel^Berwick
- Pet Kennel^Buzz
- Pet Kennel^Cobb
- Pet Kennel^Elan
- Pet Kennel^Hans
- Pet Kennel^Johnson
- Pet Kennel^Kevin
- Pet Kennel^Leonard
- Pet Kennel^Marvin
- Pet Kennel^Mild
- Pet Kennel^Pau
- Pet Kennel^Rick
- Pet match manager^Donko
- Pet Merchant
- Pet Merchant Rodney
- Pet Race Manager^Dupo
- Pet Store^Chris
- placeholder 3310018
- placeholder 5095
- placeholder 6200008
- placeholder 71108
- placeholder 71109
- placeholder 7210010
- placeholder 7210020
- placeholder 7210040
- placeholder 7310078
- placeholder 7310079
- placeholder 7310081
- placeholder 7310095
- placeholder 7310096
- placeholder 7310097
- placeholder 73341
- placeholder 73342
- placeholder 73343
- placeholder 73344
- placeholder 73345
- placeholder 80021
- placeholder 80022
- placeholder 80042
- Pledge Founder^Miss Pots
- Pledge Founder^Miss Pots
- Pledge Founder^Miss Pots
- Pledge Founder^Miss Pots
- Pledge Founder^Miss Pots
- Pledge Founder^Pledge Executive
- Pledge Manager^Sarah
- Polluted blob
- Poly Test
- Potion Merchant Kiris
- Potion Merchant Randall
- Potion Merchant Sasha
- Potion Merchant^Catherine
- Potion Merchant^Rosen
- Priest^Ebroll
- Priestess Jibril
- Prince Trader^Timmy
- Prism Merchant Camus
- Privilege item manager
- Production Table^Accessories/Gems
- Production table^Armor (leather)
- Production Table^Armour (Cloth)
- Production Table^Emblem
- Propensity recovery^Apostle messenger
- Propensity recovery^Apostle messenger
- Propensity recovery^Apostle messenger
- Propensity recovery^Apostle messenger
- Propensity recovery^Apostle messenger
- Proxy Magc Merchant
- Pumpkin Dealer
- Pumpkin Dealer
- Pumpkin Dealer^Brinn
- Quest guide^Calbassian
- Quest Guide^Doyle
- Quest Guide^Ghost of Camilla
- Quest guide^Kadmos
- Quest Guide^Lizardman Elder
- Quest Guide^Lukein
- Quest Guide^Nerva
- Quest guide^Resta
- Quest Guide^Rudian
- Quest guide^Shimizu
- Quest helper
- Raid Buff^Gunter
- Raid Strengthening Wizard^Death Knight
- Raider
- Ralph
- Ramune
- Rare store^server
- Ravula
- Ray
- Red Knight^Depardieu
- Red rabbit
- Redin
- Reman
- Rengo
- Researcher
- Retired Karma Dealer^Naamah
- Retired Orc Merchant^Parroom
- Richard
- Ringsmith^Lesua
- Ringsmith^Periter
- Roberto
- Roger
- Rohen
- Ronde
- Ronde Assassination Squad
- Rooney
- Rubo
- Ruder
- Rudolph
- Rudolph of Metis
- Rufus
- Rumtis/Snapper Trader
- Samurai Chief Osmond
- Samurai Chief^Fisher
- Samurai Chief^Ismael
- Samurai Deputy Chief
- Samurai Deputy Chief^Timon
- Santa Claus
- Scarecrow
- Scherme
- Scroll Merchant Berita
- Scroll Merchant Shiren
- Seal Exchanger^Yuno
- Search Ant
- Secret Wizard Hardin^Yuri
- Servant of Yahee
- Sewing^Herbert
- Shaker
- Shaker
- Shinmyo Store^Regular
- Shugo
- Shukon
- Silent Cave Village Teleporter^Karen
- Sky
- Sky Garden^Spirit Orb
- Small Box
- Small Box
- Small Box
- Small Box
- Small Box
- Small Box
- Small Box
- Small Box
- Small Box
- Small Box
- Small Box
- So
- Space Distortion
- Special Crafting^Onkin
- Specialist^Healer
- Spellbook Maker La Bienne
- Spirit Heart Exchanger Hate
- Spirit Magic Creator Chaves
- Spy of Varlok
- Status Redistribution^Lolo
- Store^Hank
- Strong Hyos
- Study Team Leader Atuba Noah
- Sub Quest^Training Instructor
- Summit
- Suspicious Armor Merchant
- Suspicious Arms Merchant
- Suspicious Cook
- Suspicious General Merchant
- Suspicious Merchant
- Suspicious Merchant^Pixie
- Suspicious Pet Manager^Piglet
- Suspicious Pet Trainer
- Suspicious Teleporter^Piato
- Suspicious Transformation Specialist
- Suzy
- Svin
- Swin
- Sylberia Teleporter^Illusionist Asha
- Taiwan Gamma 15th anniversary cheesecake
- Talion
- TAM Teleporter^Hua Mei
- Taus
- Teleport Scroll Maker^Consul
- Teleporter^Brad
- Teleporter^Duda-Mara Buu
- Teleporter^Event Santa (8pm admission)
- Teleporter^Lara
- Teleporter^Poir
- Teleporter^Security leader Amis
- Teleporter^Unicorn Temple Guardian Wizard
- Teleporter^Wizard Read
- Test Server^Armour Merchant
- Test Server^Buff Shop
- Test Server^Elric
- Test Server^Enchant Scrolls
- Test Server^Feather Shop
- Test Server^General Merchant
- Test Server^Hunting Scrolls
- Test Server^Magic Merchant
- Test Server^Rumtis Snapper
- Test Server^Runes
- Test Server^Weapon Merchant
- Thebes Crafting^Joe's Stone Golem
- Thebes Osiris' Altar Gatekeeper
- Theodor
- Ti
- Ticket Merchant Letty
- Ticket Merchant Mori
- Ticket Merchant Rita
- Ticket Merchant Roxanne
- Tiger Shipping^Kilton
- Timmy
- Tio
- Tower of Arrogance^Mubuni
- Town Advisor
- Town Advisor
- Town Advisor
- Town Advisor
- Town Advisor
- Town Advisor
- Town Advisor
- Town Advisor
- Town Advisor
- Town Advisor
- Town Master
- Town Master
- Town Master
- Town Master
- Town Master
- Town Master
- Town Master
- Town Master
- Town Master
- Town Master
- Toy Merchant^Donkey
- Trafficker^Popo
- Training Captain^Kaiser
- Training Captain^Kanas
- Training Instructor Teameg
- Training Instructor^Theon
- Training Lieutenant^Cecilia
- Training Teleporter^Ricky
- Transformation Scroll Seller^Sharna
- Trial Crystal
- Trial Crystal
- Tristan
- Tunnel ants
- Unchosen One
- Unchosen One
- Unchosen One
- Unchosen One
- Unchosen One
- Unicorn Temple^Kuruna
- Unicorn Temple^Kuruna
- Varacas Death Night Buff
- Varlok's Alter Ego
- Vergil
- Violinist^Taylor
- Violinist^Taylor
- VIP^armor shop
- VIP^Belt store
- VIP^boots shop
- VIP^cloak shop
- VIP^doll store
- VIP^earring store
- VIP^Gaiter store
- VIP^glove store
- VIP^necklace store
- VIP^pitching store
- VIP^ring shop
- VIP^shield shop
- VIP^T-shirt shop
- Visiting Merchant^Clown
- Wanderer Alphonse
- Warrior Trader^Salamn
- Weapon Armour^Glen
- Weapon Merchant Borla
- Weapon Merchant Warner
- Weapons & Armor Merchant^Duron
- Weapons Expert
- Weapons Expert
- Weapons Expert
- Weapons Expert
- Weapons Expert
- Weapons Expert
- Weapons Expert
- Weapons Expert
- Weapons store on 3 cars
- Weaponsmith^Hovor
- Weaponsmith^Sodor
- Werldern Mercenary
- Werldern Mercenary Captain
- White magician Pieta
- Winston
- Wizard Trader^Notepad
- Woodchip Bar
- Yahee
- Young Lizard Man Fighter
- Yu Jong Dan
- Zem
- Zero
Last modified February 17, 2024